We work closely with external auditors to ensure our entire production process exceeds the requirements of the UMF™ Honey Association, the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and BioGro New Zealand. 

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Settlers Honey Limited is a licensee of the UMF™ Honey Association (Licence # 2918)

The UMF™ grading system is an internationally verified and recognised purity and quality trademark. It appraises natural markers found in Mānuka honey, and assures purity and quality. The higher the UMF™ grading number on a product then the higher the concentration of signature compounds found in the Mānuka honey. 

The key natural markers the UMF™ looks for are:
- DHA which is naturally present in Mānuka flower nectar and converts to MGO once collected by the bees;
- MGO (Methylglyoxal) is a naturally occurring compound that is responsible for the unique properties of Mānuka honey, and is abundant in high quality Mānuka; and
- Leptosperin – this compound is found only in Mānuka and proves that the honey is in fact Mānuka honey.

Every jar of honey we produce will have the UMF™ quality trademark which guarantees genuine Mānuka honey. 

More information can be found at www.umf.org.nz 

Settlers Honey UMF registered to verify our products authenticity and quality
Settlers Honey UMF registered to verify our products authenticity and quality


Every jar of Settlers Honey Mānuka Honey will also display the MGO Grading. 

MGO is another trusted grading system measuring the methylglyoxal content found in the honey. MGO can be found in small quantities in regular honey, but is much higher in Mānuka Honey. Research conducted by Dr. Peter Molan found that Manuka Honey contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties for effective use in healing wounds and infections. This is thanks to the naturally occurring Methylglyoxal (MGO) and Non Peroxide Activity (NPA) compounds found within it.

The higher the MGO and UMF™ grades, the greater the purity and quality of the Mānuka honey. 

Our low grade MGO honey is classified as a Multifloral (meaning it didn't quite make the cut to get the UMF™ grading but is still good) and can be found here in our Makowhai collection.

All of our high grade MGO honey can be found here in our Mānuka collection

Settlers Honey UMF and MGO Guide

New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) 

Settlers Honey Limited is a registered Exporter with the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI). Exporters must be registered to apply for Export Certificates.

Export Certificates provide another level of verification and certification for our customers that our products meet the high standards set by the Ministry for Primary Industries and that we comply with the Animal Products Act 1999. 

As a registered exporter we must:
- Ensure our products meet relevant New Zealand standards;
- Comply with relevant export eligibility requirements;
- Report to MPI if your products are no longer fit for intended purpose or are refused entry by a destination market; and
- Keep appropriate records.

New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries Risk Management Programme

Settlers Honey Limited operates under a Risk Management Programme (RMP) audited by the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI). 

An RMP is a written programme designed to manage the hazards, wholesomeness and labelling of animal material and products.

Our RMP describes how we will process our products to meet the requirements of the Animal Products Act 1999. This is to ensure the products we sell are 'fit for purpose' – safe, suitable and truthfully labelled.

BioGro NZ

Settlers Honey Limited is a licensee of BioGro NZ.

Biogro certification guarantees that a product is made without GMO’s, animal testing and the routine use of synthetic pesticides.

The BioGro logo is the mark of a genuine organic product. Settlers Honey Organic Management Program is audited annually to ensure we are able to demonstrate that that we are meeting the criteria set in the NZFSA Official Organic Assurance Programme.

 BioGro Licensee Number: 6118